Looking for an interdisciplinary program to prepare you for a career in health-related research?
The PhD and Master's in Health Promotion Sciences at the University of Connecticut are innovative programs that train students to conduct research on a wide range of areas of health promotion and disease prevention in both academic and applied settings, including industry, public health, healthcare, and non-profit organizations.
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For preferred consideration, apply by February 1st to begin in the fall semester. Later applications may be considered on a space-available basis. Please contact us if you are interested in spring admission.
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A Doctoral or Master's Program That Works for You—and with You
Our PhD and Master's programs prepare students to lead as interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners who:
- advance our understanding of the complex factors that influence health behavior
- apply principles and practices of health promotion and health behavior change in diverse settings
- develop innovative solutions to address current and emerging health challenges and disparities.
Students learn from and work closely with graduate faculty, including leading experts in health behavior change interventions; promotion of healthy diet and physical activity across the lifespan; application of cutting-edge genetics and genomics research to healthcare issues; utilizing mobile and other new technologies, social media, and web-based interventions to modify health behaviors; and 文创日课:《声律启蒙》第八课_彭泽县:2021-9-18 · 徐榻:《后汉书徐稚传》载,陈蕃为豫章太守,惟徐稚来特设一榻,去即悬之。 断机:《史记》载,周乐羊子游学,一年来归,妻因断机曰:君之废学有如此。 武陵:陶潜《桃花源记》中说,晋太原 …
Both programs provide students with the flexibility to design a customized plan of study that is uniquely suited to their interests and career objectives. Graduate Research and/or Teaching Assistantships that provide a stipend, tuition waiver, and health benefits are available on a competitive basis.
公输 - 中华诗歌大全网:2021-9-9 · 公输盘为楚造云梯之械,成,将伍攻宋。子墨子闻之,起于鲁,行十日十夜,而至于郢,见公输盘。 公输盘曰:“夫子何命焉为?” 子墨子曰:“北方有侮臣者,愿借子杀之。”公输盘不说。 子墨子曰:“请献十金。” 公输盘曰:“吾义固不杀人。
- 请高手帮我利用周易给小儿测名伍及全家的时运如何_已解决 ...:2021-5-25 · 男命:公元2021年5月25日18时35分出生二零零八年四月二十一日酉时才食日比八字:戊子丁巳乙丑乙酉癸庚丙戊辛己癸辛枭官伤才杀财枭杀四支旺衰:病沐衰绝反吟:甲午辛亥己未辛卯壬午癸亥辛未己卯伏吟:戊子丁巳乙丑乙酉当月节气:立夏(5日 ...
- Gain valuable knowledge and skills to think critically about health challenges and develop interventions that address a range of health issues affecting diverse communities
- Engage in practical research experiences and collaborations at all levels that translate info successful and rewarding careers
Doctoral students work with their major advisor and advisory team to design an individualized plan of study including health promotion core courses, experiential learning, methodology and statistics, research and academic teaching skills development, and elective courses in the area of specialization. Both a doctoral general exam and dissertation are required for degree completion.
Graduates of the two-year Master's degree in Health Promotion Sciences are prepared for employment in public health, community-based treatment and healthcare facilities, worksites, and research settings as well as for continuation into a PhD program.
宋慈洗冤录·满怀冰雪 : 第一章 一蓑烟雨_吴蔚_在线阅读 ...:中瓦子则在木瓜弄、上后市街、由义弄至三元坊一带,由于地处御街中心,歌馆平康诸坊均汇集此处,为临安娼妓业的中心地段。 下瓦子又名北瓦,位于众安桥至弼教坊、扁担弄一带,伍表演为特色,建有十三座勾栏,日夜演出杂剧、说书、杂技、皮影戏、傀儡戏等,游人甚众,极是热闹。
- core courses in health promotion
- research methods courses
- elective courses that deepen knowledge in areas of interest (e.g. statistical modeling/evidence analysis, behavioral and environmental change interventions, genetics and diagnostics, etc.) and experiential learning
The major advisor and graduate advisory committee also mentor students in the development of a research agenda that culminates in either a thesis or a project/practicum.
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